A scale is a collection of unique intervals (usually 7) within an octave. Scales are the essence of a cymatic, and are required in order to derive chord voicings. Each cymatic becomes “activated” by being assigned a scale from the scale menu in the dashboard.
To assign a scale, select a cymatic, then open the Scale menu from the dashboard.
Accessing Empty Cymatic Slots #
To add a cymatic where there is an empty slot, enable Config Mode by selecting the gear icon from the bottom left. Once enabled, empty cymatic slots display as gray cymatics – selecting an empty cymatic will automatically open the scale menu.
Scale Menu #
In the scale menu, scales are grouped by scale family. The scales from the selected family are displayed around the Family Circle Display (circle on left). The selected scale is displayed using the Scale Circle Display (circle on right))
Family Circle Display #
Displayed like a clock, where the circle is divided in 12 equal sections, one for each semitone within an octave.
The 12 o’clock position represents scale degree I.
Each ‘hour’ notch moving clockwise represents the scale degree a semitone higher than the previous.
This displays the position of each mode relative to the others within a scale family.
Select a scale name to assign that scale to a cymatic.
Scale Circle Display #
Similarly, the scale circle display displays the members of the selected scale using a clock-like circle, however the 12 o’clock position represents the root of the cymatic, rather than the scale degree (which references the key).
This displays the position of each scale member relative to the others within a scale, as well as the intervals (spelled using chord-scale labels), and the letters (with specific reference to the root of the cymatic).
Selected Quality #
The selected quality name is also displayed for reference, and when pressed will launch the quality menu for easy access. The chord members of the selected quality are also highlighted within the scale circle.
Audition #
Scales can be auditioned by enabling the speaker button in the top right of the menu. (Will play up and down the scale, then play the cymatic’s quality using the scale selection)
*All scale and chord auditions output to MIDI channel 1.
Deactivating a Cymatic #
To deactivate a cymatic (make empty), press ‘Clear’ in the top right of the menu