
Frequently Asked Questions

Account FAQ's

  • Where can I change my Cymasphere Plan?

    To change your subscription,

    1. Log into your account here.
    2. Select 'Change Plan'
    3. Select and confirm new plan.
  • Where can I update billing?

    To update billing,

    1. Log into your account here.
    2. Select 'Update Billing'
    3. Enter your updated billing info.
  • How do I delete my account?

    We’re sorry to see you go! 

    You can delete your account at any time:

    Note: Subscriptions are not automatically cancelled by deleting account.

    1. Log into your account here
    2. Click ‘Delete Account’.
    3. Please note that subscriptions initiated through the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android) must be cancelled by the user. (Cymasphere cannot manage subscriptions through these platforms)
  • How do I cancel my subscription?

    We're sorry to see you go!

    You can cancel your subscription at any time: 

    1. Log into your account here
    2. Click 'Update Billing'.
    3. Cancel your active subscription.

    Please note that subscriptions initiated through the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android) must be cancelled by the user. (Cymasphere cannot manage subscriptions through these platforms)

  • How many devices can I be logged into my Cymasphere account on?

    You can log into a maximum of 6 devices at once. Once you reach the maximum device count, you will need to log out of one of those devices to login on a new device.

  • Do I need a separate subscriptions / license to use Cymasphere on different platforms (iOS, Mac, Windows & Android)?

    No, your subscription / license is associated with your account, which can be accessed on any device or platform (iOS, Mac, Windows & Android). Please note that your account can be logged into a maximum of 6 devices at the same time.

Cymasphere FAQ's

  • Where can I learn Music Theory?

    Having a solid understanding of music theory concepts is essential to maximizing your control over Cymasphere’s voicing generator. Check out our free Music Theory resources here to start learning.

  • How does Cymasphere integrate with my DAW?

    Cymasphere is a stand alone application that communicates with your DAW using MIDI messages.


    1. Cymasphere automatically creates a virtual MIDI port which allows the app to send MIDI directly to your DAW (enabled by default)
    2. Launch DAW
    3. Make sure Cymasphere’s virtual MIDI device is included as a MIDI input device (in your DAW)
    4. Launch Cymasphere

    Your DAW should now be ready to receive MIDI output from Cymasphere! Now all you have to do is add virtual instrument tracks in your DAW and start composing.

  • What are virtual instruments?

    Virtual instruments (or software instruments) are used for generating audio on a computer – they are often imitations of a real instrument (sampler) or a synthesizer that produces audio through synthesis. Virtual instruments use MIDI messages as an input to generate audio outputs. They can exist as stand alone applications or be instantiated as plugins in the DAW.

  • How do I use Cymasphere with virtual instruments?

    To get started:

    1. Create a virtual instrument track in your DAW and instantiate a virtual instrument plugin.
    2. Assuming you haven’t made any custom configurations in the Voice / Channel Matrix in Cymasphere, you should be able to start hearing your virtual instrument working as soon as you start playing cymatics in Cymasphere.
      (Make sure Cymasphere’s voicing output falls within the acceptable range of your virtual instrument)

    Cymasphere has extreme routing flexibility when working with virtual instruments. Chord voicings that Cymasphere generates can be intelligently split up and routed to discrete MIDI channels, each of which can control a different virtual instrument within your DAW, leading to smooth orchestral textures.

    1. Navigate to the Voice / Channel Matrix in Cymasphere
    2. Determine which voices you would like to send to each MIDI channel.
    3. In your DAW, set the MIDI Channel input on the virtual instrument track to reflect the MIDI channel(s) you would like to receive MIDI data from Cymasphere on.
  • Why can’t I hear audio?
    1. Does Cymasphere’s voicing output fall within the acceptable range of your virtual instrument?
    2. Is your virtual instrument track record-enabled or using input monitoring?
    3. Is your Voice/Channel Matrix configured to send MIDI properly?
    4. Is your virtual instrument track metering and using the correct audio output device in your DAW?
    5. Are your speakers powered on?
    6. Try restarting your DAW
    7. Try restarting your computer
  • Why isn’t Cymasphere generating MIDI when I select cymatics?

    If nothing is displaying on the piano keyboard when you select cymatics, then Cymasphere is not generating MIDI.

    Make sure that the Voice/Channel Matrix (located in sidebar) is configured so that voices are routed to one or more MIDI channels.

  • How do I add cymatics into empty slots?

    To ‘activate’ an empty cymatic slot:

    1. Select Config Mode (gear icon in bottom left of screen). All empty slots will now show dark grey cymatics, allowing them to be selected.
    2. Select the cymatic you would like to activate.
    3. Select from any of the scales in the scale menu on the dashboard.
  • Why do my virtual instruments randomly change articulation when used with Cymasphere?

    If your virtual instruments randomly change articulation, they may likely be receiving Note On messages outside of the playable range of the instrument that act as control messages to change articulation or other plugin parameters.

    To avoid this:

    1. If possible, disable MIDI Note On messages from controlling articulation in your virtual instrument plugin.
    2. Make sure that Cymasphere’s voicing generator is only sending voices to the virtual instrument that fall within the playable range of the instrument.
    3. Filter the input range of MIDI messages on your virtual instrument track in your DAW.
    4. Make sure Cymasphere’s Voice / Channel Matrix is not sending unwanted voices to the affected MIDI channel.
  • Notes missing from a chord voicing?
    1. Make sure Cymasphere’s voicing output falls within the acceptable range of your virtual instrument
    2. Is the voice count feature set lower than a chord’s natural voice count? If so, certain voices from a voicing’s natural voice count will be omitted from the voicing.
  • Why am I experiencing audio/MIDI latency?

    Latency may be caused for various reasons:

    1. Ensure that the hardware buffer size in your DAW is set to the lowest value that doesn’t result in performance issues / audio artifacts (clicks and pops)
    2. When the voice count feature is set high and voice lead is on, Cymasphere is firing on all cylinders to find the best path from one voicing to the next. This may result in slowed performance. To address this, avoid using the voice lead function between cymatics that have high voice counts or voice counts that differ between cymatics. (ex. 10 voices → 4 voices)